{{Opskrift| | Kategori = Desserter | Portioner = 1-2 | Tid = 30 minutter | Sværhedsgrad = 3 | Energi = 400 kJ) | Billede = [[Image:Hamburger_sandwich.jpg|300px]] }}
|thumb|Amerikansk grillet ostesandwich]]
Ostesandwich | |
Fil:Americas Favorite Grilled Cheese Sandwich.jpg | |
Kategori: | Sandwich opskrifter |
Portioner: | 1 eller flere |
Tid: | 5 minutter |
Sværhedsgrad: | ![]() |
En grillet ostesandwich er en simpel ret som består af to stykker brød med grillet ost mellem dem. Den serveres ofte med tomatsuppe.
[redigér]- 1-3 stykker ost, typisk cheddar, gouda, limberger eller smelteost, selvom enhver ost der smelter nemt kan bruges.
- 2 skiver brød
- smør eller margarine(ikke anbefalet, da en direkte opvarmning ofte påvirker margarinens smag negativt)
Giver 1 sandwich.
[redigér]Opvarm en stegepande (for det meste er det bedst at opvarme til medium), spred smøret eller margarinen på brødet, og læg begge stykker brød med smøret nedad på stegepanden. Når smørsiden er blevet brunet på begge skiver (tjek af og til) skal du , flip one over and place 1-3 slices (this depends on the size of the slices) of cheese on top, and place the other slice of bread on top of the cheese (again, butter side down). At this point, it is advised to compress the sandwich, for example by pressing on it with a spatula. Once the bottom side of the sandwich is browned sufficiently, flip the sandwich over. When both sides are browned, take off heat, cut, and serve.
The goal is to get a nicely browned sandwich with melted cheese in the middle.
If you lack a stove, you can prepare a fast and easy version of this sandwich simply with a toaster. This method is good for younger or otherwise inexperienced cooks because it does not require a stove. Take two slices of bread and butter them on both sides (or spread margarine or a similar substitute). Place the double-buttered slices into the toaster and toast until the bread is browned. Remove the two hot, crispy slices of toast from the toaster and place a slice of cheese between them. The cheese melts quickly. Cut and serve immediately. If desired, place the entire sandwich back into one slot of the toaster to melt the cheese even further.
[redigér]One variation is to spread some mayonnaise on the inside of the sandwich. Also, mayonnaise can be mixed in a cup with a little mustard to taste and spread on both slices of bread before adding the fillings. Another variation is to put 1 or 2 slices of ham or seeded fresh tomato inside the sandwich. For a pizza-like variant, spread ketchup on both pieces of bread, add cheese and some slices of salami. Another variation is to spread the bread with a mix of mayonnaise and BBQ sauce. Fill with slices of chedder cheese and some shredded pork rib meat. Diced raw onion, a few sweet pickles or some crumbled bacon can also be added. It is common practice at the Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation in Pearson, WI to substitute a garlic flavored spread for the butter.